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Rockabilly Fans: Retro Fest Comes to the Lancaster Host Resort July 29-30th

Rockabilly Fans: Retro Fest Comes to the Lancaster Host Resort July 29-30th

Jun 14, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

For those of you that enjoy the Mid-Century Rockabilly culture, there’s finally an event that celebrates this era: Retro Fest! The Lancaster Host Resort will host the second annual Retro Fest celebrating the Rockabilly culture of the 1950s and 1960s on July 29th and July 30th. Rockabilly is one of the oldest rock and roll cultures in America, dating back to early 1950s rock and roll musicians like Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Buddy Holly. If you love the music, cars, clothes, and styles of Rockabilly, you’ll be able to experience a taste of everything by attending Retro Fest.

A Host of Rockabilly Events!

Retro Fest offers two jam-packed days full of live bands and fun rockabilly events that will make you feel like you’ve traveled back in time. Some of the events include:

A Pre 1972 Car Show. Several beautiful vintage cars will compete against each other to win Best in Show. WHAT IS THIS? – PLEASE CHECK THE NAME: BEST IN SHOW IS REALLY CORRECT?Cars will be on display from 9 AM to 5 PM July 29th

Miss Retro Fest Pin-Up Contest. On Saturday July 29th from 1 to 2 PM, contestants will compete in a beauty contest called Miss Retro Fest Pin-Up Contest to win the Miss Retro crown. 

Slot Car Racing. From 10 AM to 5 PM on July 30th, guests are welcome to race their slot cars while listening to live bands. 

Vintage Fashion Show. This show will include a wide variety of beautiful vintage clothing from the 1950s and 1960s. The Vintage Fashion Show will be put on by the Black Kat Kollectibles Vintage Shop on July 30 from 12 to 1PM. 

Sock Hop Dance Party. DJ Marcus will spin music on July 29th from 11:30 PM to 1 AM, and guests are welcome to dance the night away.

To read up more on the Retro Fest, you can visit their website by going here.

Retro Fest Ticket Info

Retro Fest offers two categories of ticket choices:

  • Advanced tickets cost $15 for the day or $25 for both days.
  • At the door tickets cost $20 per day or $35 for the weekend.
  • Children under 10 are free!

For more information on events like Retro Fest, stay with us here at EventCombo. At EventCombo, we bring you the latest news on events, and also give you the chance to sell your tickets online through our website.

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